Week 1: August 28-30 | What is Performance?
Schechner, Richard. “What is Performance?”
Wed Class Introduction.
Fri Lecture: What is Performance?
This week:
1.0 bCourse Module: Introduction Due on Thursday
Week 2: Sept 2-6 | What is America?
Taylor, Diana. “Remapping Genre through Performance:
From ‘American’ to ‘Hemispheric’ Studies. -
Scolieri, Paul. “On the Areíto,” in Dancing the New World.
Mon No class.
Wed Lecture: America, América. Contested Lands.
Fri Lecture: Whose America?
Recommended Readings:
Colón, Cristóbal. (trans.) “Letter of Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to America 1492.”
Martí, José. Nuestra América.
Look Ahead for next week:
1.1 bCourse Module: Stuart Hall Video + Questions Due on Monday
Week 3: Sept 9-13 | Cultural Practice
Hall, Stuart. “What is Representation?”
Hodge, Chinaka. Chasing Mehserle.
Mon Lecture: Do you Think that is Air that you are Breathing?
Wed Lecture: Mapping Place and Belonging in Chinaka Hodge’s Chasing Mehserle.
Fri Quiz/Performance Friday
Week 4: Sept 16-20 | Racial Formation
Omi, Michael and Howard Winant. “Racial Formation.”
Mon Lecture: Introduction to Race in America.
Wed Lecture: What is the Relationship between Race and Class?
Fri Walk Out for Climate Change
Look Ahead for next week:
2.0 bCourse Module: Video (Race: The Power of Illusion, Episode II) + Questions Due on Monday
Week 5: Sept 23-27 | Migration and the American Frontier
Acuña, Rodolfo Occupied America, Chapter 6.
Fairbanks, Corine. “Burn Down the Mission.”
Huerta, Jorge. Chapter One, “Mythos or Mitos,” Chicano Drama.
Zinn, Howard. “We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God.”
Mon Lecture: From Sea to Shining Sea.
Wed Lecture: North American Borderlands
Fri Performance Friday.
Recommended Readings:
Clarke, Dan E. “Manifest Destiny and the Pacific.”
Gonzales, Rodolfo “Corky.” Poem: I am Joaquín.
Look Ahead for next week:
2.1 bCourse Module: Video (Race: The Power of Illusion, Episode III) + Questions Due on Monday
Week 6: Sept 30-Oct 4 | Whiteness in/as America
Required Reading:
Baldwin, James. “On Being White…and Other Lies.”
Dyer, Richard. “Introduction” to White.
Huntington, Samuel. “The Hispanic Challenge.”
Zangwill, Israel. The Melting Pot.
Mon Lecture: What is Whiteness in America?
Wed Lecture: Assimilation and Pluralism: Beyond the Melting Pot.
Fri Performance Friday.
Look Ahead for next week:
2.2 bCourse Module: Redlining the American Dream + Questions Due on Tuesday
Week 7: Oct 7-11 | What is Structural Racism?
Required Reading:
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. “Rethinking Racism: Toward a Structural Interpretation.”
Deavere Smith, Anna. Twilight, Los Angeles 1992.
Mon Lecture: Rethinking Racism in the Post-War: What is a Structural Interpretation?
Wed Lecture: Redlining the American Dream.
Fri Lecture: Twilight from the City of Angels.
Recommended Readings:
Davis, Mike. “Fortress LA” from City of Quartz.
Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. excerpts.
Midterm Exam | Due Back in Lecture on Wednesday, October 16.
Required Viewing: Thurs-Sun Oct 17th-20th, Who Shot Miguelito? at Zellerbach Playhouse, Dir. Sean San José. Ticket information will be provided. See tdps.berkeley.edu.
Week 8: Oct 14-18 | MIDTERM
Mon No class. Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Wed Midterm Exam Due/Discussion.
Fri Final Project Training Session. Bring Laptop.
Look Ahead for next week:
3.0 bCourse Module: Site Set-up Due on Monday
Viewing (at Zellerbach Playhouse Oct 17-20):
San José, Sean. Who Shot Miguelito?
Week 9: Oct 21-25 | Who Shot La Miguelito?
Mon Lecture: Critical Race Theory in Who Shot La Miguelito?
Wed Class Visit: Director Sean San José with Cast and Crew of Who Shot La Miguelito?
Fri Workshop: Developing Questions and Methods.
Look Ahead for next week:
3.1 bCourse Module: Questions and Methods Due on Monday
Week 10: Oct 28-Nov 1 | Angels in America
Kushner, Tony. Angels in America. Part One: Millennium Approaches.
Mon Lecture: Angels in America: Race and Queerness as the Millennium Approaches.
Wed Lecture: Angels in America: Scenes of Redemption, Utopianism and Disintegration.
Fri Workshop: Drafting Ideas from Evidence in Performance.
Look Ahead for next week:
3.2. bCourse Module: Performance Description + Gallery Due on Monday
Week 11: Nov 4-8 | Mother Road
Solis, Octavio. Mother Road.
Mon Lecture: From Steinbeck to Solis: Found Families Healing Places
Wed Lecture: “A southwest wind blow on ye.”
Fri Workshop: Curating the Visual Essay.
Look Ahead for next week:
3.3 bCourse Module: Website Draft is Due on Wednesday
Week 12: Nov 11-15 | America-América
Mon: No class
Wed: Lecture: América: Possibilities and Polemics.
Fri: Lecture/Discussion: New Imagination. Dawn.
Look Ahead for next week:
3.4 bCourse Module: Abstract + Cover is Due on Monday
Week 13: Nov 18-22 | Reflections
Mon: Group Work/Peer Reviews
Wed: Group Work/Peer Reviews
Fri: Group Work/Peer Reviews
Look Ahead for next week:
3.5 bCourse Module: Process Reflection is Due on Monday
Week 14: Nov 25-29 | Final Projects
Mon Student Presentations
Wed Break
Fri Break
Week 15: Dec 2-6 | Final Projects
Mon Student Presentations
Wed Student Presentations
Fri Student Performances