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We read, listened to invited speakers and lecture, saw plays and contemporary movies, and then discussed this material on the cultural production of apocalypse twice a week together as a class. We also studied popular social media, television, and other contemporary discourse to understand further the context of apocalyptic thinking in our own time. Throughout the semester, we moved towards collectively defining and complicating concepts of time, space, and symbols of apocalypse to go beyond 'end of times'. Among them we considered especially ideas of "reveal," death, salvation, transcendence, along with the production of crisis and its relationship to economic and political systems of power.  The following e-Zine is a sample of what we engaged with in class through many plays and performance discussions. As a student-made publication, we invite you to read and to share this discussion more outwardly with friends, family, and other members of our university community.  A special thanks to the UC Berkeley AC Adobe Fellows Program and the Arts + Design Creative Discovery Grant for the extra resources in being able to develop this site and make it possible for us to visit El Teatro Campesino in celebration of the Day of the Dead. This site is dedicated to the ongoing vibrant legacy of El Teatro Campesino that has inspired theater ensemble and fiesta in the greater Bay area and for the survival and healthy return of those affected by the wild fires of 2018.

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editorial team

From L to R: Selena Denomme, Nadiya Korkuna, Arcadia Eckmayer, Saabirah Faatimah, Gabriela Pool, Chia Yu "Shelly" Shih, and not pictured are: Pablo Moraga and Ethan Weiner. 



Moral Apocalypse


by Pablo Moraga


A World Truly Free


by Saabirah Faatimah


Creating Our Own Future


by Jackie Holm

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Shame or Personal Bedframe


by Janely Gomez

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by Pablo Jimenez


Back to the Start


by Shannon Duong

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